Girls Soccer

Team Roster
2 Morgan Young Junior M
3 Tara Heilman Senior D
4 Kate Cooper Senior F
5 Kasey Kelhoffer Senior D
6 Gracie Jeanmougin Sophomore GK
8 Olivia Sergent Freshman M
9 Charlie Fall Freshman GK
10 Kenadie Elam Sophomore M, F
16 Izzy Begin Senior M
18 Catherine Hurst Senior D
22 Madalen Isaacs Junior M
23 Madison Verhoff Junior M
24 Tori Thomas Senior D
28 Bella Pfeiffer Senior M, D
29 Kloee Adams Sophomore M
31 Ayla Mooney Sophomore D
32 Samantha Verhoff Sophomore M
33 Paysley Reeves Sophomore D
35 Kayleigh Mann Sophomore D
The Motz Group Field Turf Company Bellbrook Brewing Co. Alley Cat Designs GAMEDAY Grille and Patio